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Fluentd error: Unable to push logs to [elasticsearch]

After application deployments, Kibana stopped showing logs exactly after 7 days. The error "Fluentd error: Unable to push logs to [elasticsearch]" was shown in the fluentd logs. The initial response was to increase the buffer limits for fluentd as follows: chunk_limit_size 10M queue_limit_length 256 The behavior occurred again after two weeks, which led to the same error. On closer investigation, the error was preceded by the statement "Failed to write to the buffer." This led me to inspect the fluentd configuration again and found the following code in the buffer part which caused the fluentd buffers to be filled as per the official documentation on Fluentd : overflow_action block The fix for this overflow_action is to change from block to drop_oldest_chunk, allowing the fluentd logs to flow seamlessly to the elastic search by dropping the oldest logs in the buffer.   <buffer> @type file path /var/log/fluentd-buffers/kubernet

Nutanix Calm Blueprint for Single Linux VM

Here is the first Nutanix Calm blueprint which creates a Linux VM and installs Nginx using a Chef role.

1. First we need to upload the RedHat qcow image into the Nutanix PC image repository. 
2. Create a blueprint.

3. Select the cloud. Here we have the options: Nutanix, VMware, AWS and GCP. Nutanix is your on-premise Nutanix infrastructure which we will be using in this example.

3. Select the Redhat image under images. (Note: I customized the image by setting the root password so that I could use it for the blueprint. I will publish the method in a separate blog post.)

4. Select Cloud-init under "Guest Customization".

5. Here is the script I used for cloud-init:

@@{name}@@ is the variable for the name of the virtual machine. Here the script downloads and installs the chef client
and allows httpd service in the firewalld daemon and then runs chef-client and assigns the role created.

6. Enter the credentials if you need to run any more commands for further customization. Here you have the option for
entering the password for the username (Windows will need this) or the SSH key for the username.

7. Click Launch and a Linux VM will be served up with nginx installed.

8. Confirm the installation by browsing to the IP of the VM.

You can find the sample blueprint at


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